Friday, February 5, 2010

Tough season so far for my basketball Cards! Finally on track?

So it's been a tough year for my University of Louisville Cardinals and even harder for us fans to watch.  However as of late we have shown signs of coming to life and actually have been finishing games.  The season started for me at the preseason exhibition match-up between the Cards and the Bellermine Knights in which it looked as if we had a great season ahead of us.  Beating the #1 division II team at the time convincingly left me with a sense of hope for the season.  Knowing how much depth we have I felt we should have been on track for a run of wins to start the season.  Well as usual, our team had other plans and lost early season games that should have been easily won.  The losses that have killed me this season were Charlotte, Western Carolina, Villanova(saw those live), Pitt., and Seaton Hall.  We should have never let any of those slip away.  Anyhow throughout the season there have been ups and downs but I guess I should just skip to where we stand now.  With 9 games left in the regular season we are by no means in the situation we would like but don't count us out yet.  Even though we are 14-8 overall we are still in 6th place in the big east at 5-4 and practically tied with with the 4th and 5th teams.  Its taken us almost an entire season to figure out how to finish games but if we can keep playing as well as we have been we should end up in decent shape.  In our last 9 games we have Syracuse twice, G-town, and Uconn again.  The other games we shouldn't look past but however should hopefully win.  So since we lack a major win over a ranked team, we need to upset Syracuse in at least one of those match-ups and get Uconn for a second time.  Oh yeah and there is also the Big East tourney which we need to show up for.  I still have faith we will put in a good rest of the season and make the tournament but we must work hard to get there!  I will end with a few player reviews that have been bouncing around in my head.  It seems as if Samardo Samuels has finally turned into the player we knew he could be.  Jerry still hasn't shown up as a shooter yet this year but Buckles, Siva, Kuric have shown that they will be huge in our future success.  Delk has been the MVP, in my eyes, over the past 4 games putting in at least 10 points a game as well as great rebounding.  Oh yeah I also like starting TJ and Samardo at the same time,  it has worked as of late.  Regardless of what happens "GO CARDS!"  What are your thoughts?

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