Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Back on the bubble...

Here we go again.  Can we just skip forward to next season because I can't take this back and forth stuff, its bad for my heart.  After a great start tonight we didn't even show up for the second half against Georgetown in the second to last game ever in Freedom Hall.  We looked like our terrible high school style alter-ego tonight and got HANDLED in every possible way in the second half of this one.  This loss is hard to swallow coming off a pretty solid first half which ending with us up by 6 at half.  Sosa lead our team in this game with some great assists and penetrating moves inside but all that went out the window in the second half.  Samardo looked like he did at the start of the season with missing almost every layup/tip-in.  Turns out Georgetown was not ready to have a 3 game losing streak this late in the season and just wanted the win more than us.  Now we are in a very uncomfortable situation with needing at least 1 more Big East win to make sure of having a shot at a NCAA tournament bid.  The problem with that is our final 3 games are gainst 2 teams who are also fighting to get a tournament bid on the road and a final home game against a team that is mad about losing to us at home earlier in the month.  Our best shot at this will be our road game against Marquette even though they are a great team as usual this season.  Uconn will be tough cause we play them on the road and they have been playing light outs lately, not to mention wanting revenge for the previous game against us.  Not much more to say about the game tonight, pretty obvious what went wrong.  Now off to CT to battle a red hot Uconn team.  Need to get that 10th Big East win, quickly!!! GO CARDS!!!!



  1. We were ice cold in the second half. Dumb passing, poor shot selection. What the fuck was up with Samardo? The first half was great, I just am dumbfounded - which is a common reaction during many games this season (hello St. Johns?) - that we could come out and play so poorly.

  2. The latest "bracketology" has UofL playing UK in the 2nd round. This loss better not have fucked that up.

  3. Don't believe anything Joe Lunardi (espn's bracketologist)says. Those things never end up being right except for the obvious top selections. Doubt we will end up in UK's region and doubt we will be a 9 seed unless we win 2 more games. Marquette is our best bet to the tourney. Go Cards!!!
