Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cards get a must win as they move to 6-4 in the Big East!

Despite a tough Rutgers team hanging around for most of the game, our Cards finally put them away to win by 16 and keep us in the hunt for March Madness!  I personally did not like the way we played this game but I will give our Cards praise on how they fought through mistakes and finished off the Scarlet Knights in the end!  The best news from this game was that Jerry Smith finally had a good shooting game and as a team we rebounded very well.  However, what concerns me is that we have been fouling a lot especially away from the ball.  Also turnovers, primarily on bad passes have been a problem for us all year.  Sosa is still driving me nuts with his turnovers, fouls, and bad shot choices.  However he always seems to make up for his mistakes with hitting late game 3's.  Don't get me wrong I love Sosa but he is gonna have to finally tighten up his game as we go into this very important stretch of our season.  I know I sound really negative but I just see us as a better basketball team than how we are playing.  I know some people may call me crazy for complaining when we won by 16 but playing the way way we did today won't get us past Syracuse and G-town.  Ok now that I have vented and complained, lets get to the stats which were actually pretty awesome!  Samardo put in yet another great game with 14 pts and 11 reb and seems to be moving closer to becoming a star.  Jerry lead the team in scoring with 16 pts as well as 7 reb and looked to have come out of his shooting slump, lets hope.  Swopshire also had a solid game putting in 13 pts, 5 ast,  and 8 reb.  Sosa finished with 8 ast which is huge for him even though he still had lots of typical "Sosa" moments.  Our individual stats were awesome and so were our teams stats shooting 54% from the field,  36% 3-pointers, and 81% free throws!  Bummed I was at Freedom Hall for this one to help celebrate the 1975 final four team and Mohammed Ali.  Next up we have St. John's on Thursday, post on that game soon to come.  GO CARDS!!!


  1. I am glad to see Jerry get revved up again. We need him at max output the rest of the way. I am also happy to see the 8 assists by Sosa. When he passes well, we win. Yes, he has high turnover numbers, and that is not likely to change. That's just who he is. This is the time of the year that Pitino usually has his team on the upswing toward the tournament. Let's see if the Rutgers game is the beginning of that surge toward March Madness.

  2. Yep need this to be the start of a great late season run! Have to make the tourney, have to!
