Friday, February 19, 2010

Please be over now!!!

We all knew this press conference was coming eventually because in order for Tiger to become a golfer again he must save face in the eye's of the public.  In my eyes he is just constantly taking up too much time on espn with non-sports related issues.  I do like him as a golfer but really could care less what he does off the course, has nothing to do with sports.  I'm ok with say "court tv" holding day-long Tiger coverage but don't cut into my sportscenter time.  Glad to see him getting his life in order with going to rehab and everything but you could have told us that in about 5 mins of airtime, not 4 months worth of it.  If you want some entertaining off course behavior just follow John Daly around with a camera, that would be a TV show(someone call VH1 with that one).  Ok so let the circus be over and play some damn golf, end of story.

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