Saturday, July 31, 2010

Too Little, Too Late...


This is what happens when you let all the really good deals/trades pass you by and wait until the last minute and just take whomever you can get.  Don't get me wrong, having Ted Lilly, Ryan Theriot, and Octavio Dotel will for sure help The Dodgers a bit.  However while waiting/passing on the better trades that we should have made, we have dug a whole in which I don't think we will get out of.  I know I shouldn't be so negative because these are good players that we are getting,  I just don't like the timing especially while its looking like our season has slipped away.  By the way in total we lost Blake Dewitt, minor leaguers, and cash in these trades which isn't so bad.  Anyways there were, as expected, many other last minute trades to go on this past week in MLB.  Check them all out by clicking here!

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