Friday, February 4, 2011

Team Updates!!!

I apologize for not blogging that much lately but its due to my hard drive deciding it would much rather become a paper weight and retire to file 13.  However apple care saved me and now I'm back at it.  So here are the things going on in my sports world:
Packers vs Steelers in Super Bowl XLV
So obviously this is the biggest story of the past few weeks, especially for me.  After many years of not really having one of my teams in a Championship game, finally my Green Bay Packers have made it back to the Super Bowl.  Not only that but their opponent will be my 2nd favorite NFL team, the Pittsburgh Steelers!  This will be no doubt be a great/close game but I am 100% confident that the Packers will get the win and add another title to their collection.  I feel strongly about the outcome because our players/coaches are not being recognized for their great play this season.  Aaron Rodgers and Tramon Williams were snubbed for the pro bowl, Clay Mathews was snubbed for Defensive POY, and finally Mike McCarthy not winning coach of the year was one of the worst things ever.  Because of these factors I feel the Packers are here to prove that they are back and want to be on top where they belong.  Making it this far with all of the adversity the team has gone through means we have no intention on losing this.  Go Pack!
Louisville Cardinal Basketball hangin in there!
Much like the Packers, my Cards have gone through an unusual amount of injuries this season.  To be where we are through all of that is amazing considering this was what Pitino called a "bridge year."  Not having a star on this years team has been the key for victory.  I know that sounds crazy but I've never seen a team play more like a well-round actual "team" in my life.  Even through all of the obstacles we find ourselves tied for 2nd in the Big East(preseason picked to finish 8th) and 13th in the nation!  We play a struggling Depaul team this Saturday and I look for us to get a few injured players back follow that game (Dieng/Knowels/Buckles).  Good things to come and keep up that "team" play fellas! GO CARDS!!!
Where are the Lakers?
Wow this month has not been kind to the Lakers as they drope 4 of the last 5 and pushing their record against winning teams to 9-10.  This was all capped off with a horrible last second loss to the Spurs last night.  With living in LA I hear all of the opinions and gripes from everyone out here.  Is the team too old? Are they not tough enough? Not focused?  I personally think they will be fine but they are gonna have to turn things around a little bit before they find themselves fighting for a playoff spot.  To be continued...
Football Cards class of 2011!
Now that national signing day has come and gone we officially locked in the  21st national ranked recruiting class of 2011.  The only hitch in this years recruiting class was DeMarcus Smith deciding that Teddy Bridgewater was too much to compete with and committing to UCF.  That really just makes things easier on the staff choosing the starting QB for next year!  Great job coaching staff!  In Strong we trust!  Go Cards!!!

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